“I'll tell you about my dreams for the future! To be the person-I-love's wife!” - - Izumi to Matsubara
Izumi Tsubaki (椿いずみ, Tsubaki Izumi) is a high school classmate and old friend of Kazuko Matsubara. She is as a supporting character in Act.3 of the sequel manga.
As a teenager, Izumi was known for being rebellious and impulsive. She often skipped classes, dyed her hair, and wore makeup, all of which was against Maido Academy's student policy. Izumi's life goal was to become the wife of the person she loved. Despite her goal being love, she was quick to move on between boyfriends and had a preference for older men.
Not long after getting a new boyfriend, she decided to marry him because he got a new job that would move him away from the area. Her parents rejected the idea since Izumi was still high school, so the two eloped instead, leaving her best friend, Matsubara, behind.
Not much is known about Izumi as an adult, but she appears much less impulsive and more responsible.
Physical appearance[]
As a teenager, Izumi was tall and very skinny. She would dye her hair "unnatural colors" and always had it styled in a shoulder length cut with curled fringe, and wore a lot of makeup. She was very fashionable and wasn't afraid to show it, even if it meant getting in trouble with her peers.
As an adult, Izumi is rather plump and doesn't seem to mind. She wears more modest clothing and little makeup. Although her hair is the same length and assumingely the same unnatural color, Izumi doesn't style and instead chooses to keep it in a half-up style.
- Kazuko Matsubara: Matsubara and Izumi initially weren't friends because Matsubara was constantly nagging her about her appearance going against school policy. Even though Izumi never listened to Matsubara's orders to change her appearance, Matsubara continued to nag her and, over time, they grew a very close bond. Izumi was also the reason behind the one and only time Matsubara got in trouble at school. The two didn't have any contact after Izumi eloped, up until she came into the restaurant that Matsubara manages in the sequel manga.
- Husband: Not much is known about Izumi's husband other than that she is very much in love with him since her life goal was accomplished.
- Son(s): Not much is known about Izumi's relationship with her two sons.